The Life-Changing Power of Meaningful Work

While presenting our message of Truly Human Leadership, our CEO Bob Chapman is often asked: What about the people who don't get it? What about the people who actively work against positive change? Barry-Wehmiller has acquired more than 130 companies and we've certainly found that the people within that company are a product of their experiences. They may have experienced great leaders in their past or, more likely, they have had some negative experiences. Consequently, some have difficulty trusting our leadership message. That’s okay. We’re all at a different point on this journey, and we have to be patient and trust that the skeptics will eventually see the transformative power it can have—on both their work lives and their personal lives. On this podcast, you'll hear the story of Randall Fleming, who was a welder in our BW Papersystems company in Phillips, Wisconsin, and very much a skeptic. Randall's story is testament to the life-changing power of meaningful work. It's what happens when you establish a workplace culture of empathy and shared purpose as opposed to the "command and control" atmosphere of most traditional management environments. 

Om Podcasten

One of the most fundamental of human needs is to know that who we are and what we do matter. As leaders in business, we have the unique opportunity to let our team members know that they do. And when they feel valued and cared for at work, they return home and enjoy better relationships with their loved ones, friends, neighbors and others. This world needs Truly Human Leadership. On this podcast, you’ll hear about what it means to be conscious leaders and have a conscious business. You'll hear from voices of inspirational leadership like Simon Sinek, Amy Cuddy, Raj Sisodia of Conscious Capitalism and many more. You'll also hear stories and insights learned through Barry-Wehmiller and it's CEO Bob Chapman’s transformation to traditional business management to Truly Human Leadership.