Episode 076 : Tampere pizzeria arson
True Crime Finland - Ein Podcast von Minna

A newspaper deliverer had just entered into an apartment building to complete their daily round when the main door smashed into pieces and combustion fumes started flowing in. This case was partly a listener suggestion – thank you Derek for the inspiration to cover an arson! **IMPORTANT** As some of you may know, I am a university student. The new semester starts next week and I'm going on my final year. I'm supposed to graduate next spring if all goes well and because of that, after today's episode I will switch my schedule and publish new episodes only once a month. That way, I can focus better on my master’s thesis and get some rest. Thank you for all the support thus far and I hope you will keep listening! Huge thanks to April for becoming a new patron and to Derek for upgrading their pledge! On Patreon, you can donate as little as two dollars a month and in return, get exclusive access to ad-free episodes, scripts, bonus episodes on various topics and other nice rewards. Visit the page at https://www.patreon.com/truecrimefinland Art is by Mark Pernia Music is "Night" by VVSMUSIC My art store: https://society6.com/minnanen Podcast swag store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/tc-finland/shop?asc=u Email: [email protected] Website: https://truecrimefinland.squarespace.com Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/507039419636994/ Twitter & Instagram: tc_finlandSources: Helsingin Sanomat 27.11.2010: Tampereen palosta vangitut eivät hetkeen näe toisiaan https://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/art-2000004771992.html Helsingin Sanomat 10.2.2011: Kukaan ei uskonut pitserian polttopuheita https://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/art-2000004787080.html Helsingin Sanomat 12.3.2011: 26 sekuntia erotti kuolemasta https://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/art-2000004793425.html Helsingin Sanomat 12.3.2011: Tutkinnassa piirtyi kuva syytettyjen rooleista https://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/art-2000004793424.html Helsingin Sanomat 12.3.2011: Ravintolanpidosta tuli valheiden kierre https://www.hs.fi/kotimaa/art-2000004793423.html Ilta-Sanomat 22.11.2010: Poliisi tutkii Tampereen tulipaloa rikoksena https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000000357500.html Ilta-Sanomat 11.3.2011: Tampereen pizzeriapalosta raskaat syytteet https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000000384142.html Ilta-Sanomat 30.3.2011: Tampereen tuhotyöstä tuomio tänään: Saako päätekijä 13 vuotta? https://www.is.fi/kotimaa/art-2000000388570.html MTV Uutiset 27.4.2012: Tampereen pizzeriapalon tuomiot pysyivät pääosin ennallaan https://www.mtvuutiset.fi/artikkeli/tampereen-pizzeriapalon-tuomiot-pysyivat-paaosin-ennallaan/2051164#gs.djs50e Onnettomuustutkintakeskus (OTKES) 13.3.2012: Tutkintaselostus, tapaus B2/2010Y – Kolmen ihmisen kuolemaan johtanut tulipalo kerrostalossa Tampereella 22.11.2010 Yle 30.3.2011: Pizzerian tuhopolttajille ankarat tuomiot https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-5334448