Kayla Tyrell - New Zealand Kayak K4 Olympian in Rio 2016

Aloha ! Today I am talking to Kayla Tyrell from New Zealand who has competed in the Rio Olympics 2016 (among many other Championships) where she and the Kayak K4 Crew became 5th! Congratulations! We talk about how Kayla got into the Kayak sport, the dedication and hard work which is necessary to reach that level to make it to the Olympics, her experiences in Rio 2016, and many other topics! Enjoy listening to this podcast episode and follow Kayla in socials like Instagram. Shownotes: Kayla Tyrell on Instagram => https://www.instagram.com/kaylaimrie/ See the Kayak K4 500m final in Rio 2016 here => https://youtu.be/w7nxyyQL5tk?si=b0ztI61pL38JvVvn Another podcast episode worth listening with Kayla => https://podcasts.apple.com/fr/podcast/international-womens-day-2021-conversation-about-heavy/id1347405249?i=1000511382957&l=en Thx and spread some love ;) Hope that you enjoyed this podcast episode with Olympian Kayak paddler Kayla Tyrell and if you don't want to miss any further episodes of Triathlon Podcast, simply subscribe to the podcast in Spotify and others. Thank you for tuning in and wish you a great time until the next episode. Yours Marco Folge direkt herunterladen

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