It's okay to OUTGROW yourself: Sometimes we confuse Seasons with "Cycles" | The last episode of Season 1

To all the People Podcast with Janell Roberts - Ein Podcast von Janell Roberts

We're going through a transition, and in this transiton, I've learned that It's time for me to move on, not from the Podcast but from trauma all together. You guys have been like family to me, and I'm the first to let you know whats been going on with me. Long story short, I recently had a weird epiphany about myself and the world that I want to recreate around me. I've concluded that I wanted to move on from this season of my life before it turns into a cycle. Overall, I want to continue to inspire you all but, most importantly, make you laugh despite the weird and quirky dynamics we grew up in. So in conclusion, I've decided to morph the last two seasons of tatpp into one, before moving on to season 2. Season 2 will be compiled with so many amazing things, yes we will touch base on all of the subjects we have before, but most importantly, this season will be filled with story times, date night, family, love, work, life, etc. technically we are going through a massive rebrand for the better -- I like to call this "the letting go phase, and stepping into who were meant to be" which is healed and happy humans. A new episode will close out this season this upcoming Monday. In the meantime, we will cultivate some of our best work at the TATPP. And will be back in Fall, with some of our best work. I've never felt more confident and happy about this massive shift we're making. Love you all. your host janell <3

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