9. Why Do Evil and Suffering Exist?
Thundering Legion Podcast: Armed Forces Members United In Christ - Ein Podcast von Thundering Legion

Today we will be digging into the Big Question "Why Do Evil and Suffering Exist?"
- Point 1: How do we define evil and suffering?
- The Merriam-Webster Dictionary lists several definitions: “the fact of suffering, misfortune, and wrongdoing… a cosmic evil force… something that brings sorrow, distress, or calamity… morally reprehensible : SINFUL, WICKED… arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct.” “Pain” … In summary: Evil is bad; evil is the opposite of good, and pain/suffering is the result of evil.
- Point 2: Why should anyone care about evil and suffering?
- Ultimately, evil and suffering are a reality of human life on earth. We all must decide how we will respond to this reality. In the end, how we respond to evil and suffering will determine our lives... We will either become the victim of evil & suffering, or we fight to overcome evil and grow through suffering.
- Point 3: We can observe evil and suffering in the human experience:
- 1) Humans are designed to feel pain. “congenital analgesia is an extraordinarily rare conditions in which a person cannot feel (and has never felt) physical pain... Because feeling physical pain is vital for survival, [this disorder] is extremely dangerous. It is common for people with the condition to die in childhood due to injuries or illnesses going unnoticed. Burn injuries are among the more common injuries.”
- 2) Life begins with suffering, childbirth, and ends with suffering, death. Most have all lost loved ones and seen them suffer.
- 3) Turn on the news for 5 minutes… We see pandemics, shootings, theft, natural disasters. What is our natural response to these tragedies?
- Point 4: How do we separate good and evil?
- As defined earlier, evil and suffering are “not good”… so the definition of evil depends on our definition of good. So this drives us to ask the question “What is the definition of good which is our basis to judge evil and suffering?”
- Epicurean Paradox, linked in show notes: Life is basically pointless suffering unless God is 1) All-powerful 2) All-knowing 3) All-good/loving. If not, then God cannot prevent evil, doesn’t know about evil, and/or perpetuates evil. If this is our view of God, we are simply helpless victims of evil. But an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good God can and would have a master plan to destroy evil which we can hope and trust in despite evil and suffering.
- As we move towards the bottom of the logic flowchart: “Could God have created a universe with free will but without evil?” If yes, then why didn’t he?
- My personal answer: If God created everything, God created relationship. Can a genuine, free relationship exist without a genuine, free choice to deny that relationship? My logical answer to this question: God chose to allow evil to exist temporarily in order to give people the opportunity to seek relationship with Him by free choice, BUT has always had a plan to destroy evil. Therefore, God is good even though evil exists.
- Point 5: What does the Bible have to say about this question?
- Metanarrative of Scripture is Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration. The greater story that ties the entire Bible together as God’s greater story.
- Creation: In Genesis 1-2, we read about creation being “good… good… good… then very good (mankind)… then the first thing that’s not good (isolation)… Adam and Eve exist in a state of blissful ignorance and perfect relationship with God in Garden of Eden…
- Fall: BUT, in Genesis 3 we read of evil’s existence in the garden… Serpent tempts and Adam and Eve break God’s command… Response is denial of responsibility, blaming, excuses… Eternal life and newfound human capacity for evil cannot coexist, so God places limits on Adam and Eve via physical death… Eve cursed with painful childbearing… Adam cursed with endless toil… Both expelled from Garden of Eden and humanity begins to devolve quickly into broken relationships via polygamy and murder, suffering via natural disasters and disease, and spirital death via evil hearts.
- Redemption: From Genesis 3 to Jesus’ 1st coming, we see that God had always intended to redeem humanity (Genesis 3:15: [Eve’s offspring] he will crush [evil’s] head, and you will strike his heel.” as prophesied throughout the Old Testament) and fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.
- Restoration: Jesus’ 1st coming – Jesus’ 2nd coming. Promised in Revelation for those who trust in God: New heaven and earth free of sin, evil and suffering.
- Point 6: How can we practically apply what we’ve learned about evil and suffering to everyday life?
- When we are confronted with evil and suffering of the world, we can play the victim and blame others, or fight against evil… But how do we fight against evil without reciprocating evil? Answer: Christ’s perfect life, death, and resurrection allows us by faith to break the cycle of sin through grace. We are no longer slaves to responding to sin with more sin, but can now respond with resolute forgiveness and grace by the blood of Christ and his finished work on the cross.
- When evil comes from within us and causes suffering, we can play the victim and blame others, or repent, seek God’s forgiveness, and fight against evil. We must repent of sin and seek forgiveness for sin by the blood of Christ, so that we will not be slaves to our sin nature but be conformed into the image of Christ.
- We must respond with faith and hope in God’s grand plan (metanarrative of scripture) to destroy evil and suffering and restore all things.
- What is our definition of good upon which we determine evil? In Mark 10:18, Jesus says “God alone is good.” We must seek to know God if we desire to know what is good. Matthew 7:7 says “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” We seek God, the source of all good through Prayer, reading our Bible, seeking wise Christian counsel, observing God’s creation. The more we seek the goodness of God, the more empowered we are to overcome evil and suffering.
What does this episode reveal about God’s character?
How does this episode cause us to see our need for a Savior?
How can we apply lessons learned from this episode to our life?
Follow Christ for this day!
✝️ “Choose this day whom you will serve...” Joshua 24:15
✝️ “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
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