46. Interview with Army Guard Chaplain Major Daniel Cartwright
Thundering Legion Podcast: Armed Forces Members United In Christ - Ein Podcast von Thundering Legion

Today we interview Army Major Daniel Cartwright. Daniel is a Ohio Army Guard Chaplain who is currently deployed.
Episode Notes:
Background: Military history goes back to American revolution. Grandparents served in WWII, Uncles served in Vietnam and Korea.
Testimony: Daniel's dad was a pastor, came to christ at 3 and baptized at 4. Backslid ages 12-16 then rededication, backslid ages 19-20 then rededication. Attempted suicide after becoming hopeless do to bad theology - Daniel thought salvation depended upon him and became hopeless.
Successes and failures: Falsely accused of an EO violation which threatened his career and took 5 months to resolve. Daniel never had his name publicly cleared... Enriched ministry with other members of the unit. God will repay, so trust in him.
Struggles: the Army is broken: renaming bases and rejecting identity, reorganizing, recruitment issues, vaccine mandate, retention issues.
Calling: Called to share the message: suicide is a lie. God is the only one who know hearts of those who have committed suicide. Daniel aspires to stay in to get to Lt Col and possibly become state chaplain. Unit chaplain is a commander’s moral and ethical compass.
Favorite Books of the Bible: Proverbs (Wisdom)
Daily Spiritual Growth: Morning routine, read bible, listen to music. Set alarm to pray 3x/day. Evening Routine: Confess sins.
Advice: Ephesians 6:10. Satan is the enemy - we are engaged in a spiritual battle. Jesus already won the war with Satan.
Hobbies: Family, pastor, businessman, politician, chaplain.
What does this episode reveal about God’s character?
How does this episode cause us to see our need for a Savior?
How can we apply lessons learned from this episode to our life?
Follow Christ today:
✝️ “Choose this day whom you will serve...” Joshua 24:15
✝️ “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
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