28. Interview with Elliot “Willie” Nelsen: US Air Force Fighter Pilot and Instructor
Thundering Legion Podcast: Armed Forces Members United In Christ - Ein Podcast von Thundering Legion

Today we dig into the story of Elliot “Willie” Nelsen, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy and recently retired 22-year Air Force veteran. Lt Col Elliot Nelsen flew the F-15C early in his career but spent the majority of it instructing fighter fundamentals in the T-38 as a Reservist at Sheppard AFB, finishing with 2,600 T-38 hours and, even better, a thousand moments spent mentoring. He now lives near Hill AFB in Utah and flies for Delta Air Lines.
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Episode Notes:
- Background: Missionary kid, put God on hold in while in college, desire to fly fighters, earned a slot to fly F-15Cs.
- Testimony: Hit rock bottom during fighter fundamentals. Realized he had become someone he despised and lost what was most important. Turned back to Jesus and threw himself to God’s grace. Desired authenticity, total transparency, and confession in relationships.
- Successes and failures: Missed oppotunities to go to US Air Force Weapons School and Thunderbirds. Felt alone during first several months in Alaska, but God put key Christians in his life to support his growth in faith.
- What is the most important lesson you learned about following Christ while serving in the military? We each have a unique personality and gifting. God is glorified when we are satisfied in Him.
- How have you influenced the lives and faith of your students while in the instructor role? Take an interest in the lives of your students. Be excllent at your jobs. Start with gentleness and humility and asking socratic questions.
- Challenges to living out faith in the military
- Next Steps: Submit to God's will - the Great Commission is for all of us.
- What book of the Bible do you go to in times of difficulty? Psalms, Colossians 1, Joshua, Proverbs, Acts (Stephen)
- How do you make spiritual growth a daily priority? Strive to be in the word every day. Intimacy with our Creator through prayer - especially praying for others.
- Closing words: Satan wants us to feel alone and peer pressured to give up our values. In the end the only thing that matters is following Christ wholeheartedly. Take your struggles to God - He’s a good father.
What does this episode reveal about God’s character?
How does this episode cause us to see our need for a Savior?
How can we apply lessons learned from this episode to our life?
Follow Christ for this day!
✝️ “Choose this day whom you will serve...” Joshua 24:15
✝️ “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9
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