18. Interview with Stu Grazier: Retired Navy Pilot, Family Leader, Entrepreneur

Thundering Legion Podcast: Armed Forces Members United In Christ - Ein Podcast von Thundering Legion


Today we dig into the story of Stu Grazier, a retired Naval Officer who is passionate about helping men become the best husbands, dads, friends, and leaders they can be. Stu partners with David Gutierrez on Storehouse 310 ventures, Storehouse Mastermind, and Kinetic Men Mastermind.


Episode Notes:

  • Stu's Testimony: Texas friend went to Naval Academy, hooked by football game and Top Gun. Turned off by “nominal” Christians in Texas. Ended up going to Naval Academy. Joined small group during Iraq deployment (2008) and and started his faith walk.
  • How have you seen God working through your successes and failures in your military career? God allows us to go to dark places to get us to change and grow. Experienceed death, suicide, spiritual darkness while on deployment.
  • What are the biggest struggles you’ve experienced while serving as a Christian? Balance: how do I know what to give over, and what to take action. Ambiguity of exiting the military: Put most important things to the side unintentionally.
  • How do we balance faith, trust, listening with planning, goal setting, action? Mimic Jesus. Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: 1) Slow 2) Simplify 3) Silence and Solitude 4) Sabbath
  • What are your thoughts on identity? Men tend to place identity in career, wealth. Ask what’s going to last the longest, into eternity? Leave a legacy with our children of loving God (their eternal destiny)
  • How do you shepherd your children especially with technology? Family discipleship: daily rhythms (morning routine, sabbath, get outside). Modeling responsible technology use to children. Be intentional.
  • How do you make spiritual growth a daily priority? Used to get up and go straight to work. New routine: Daily appointment with God (read/study/journal)
  • What book of the Bible do you go to in times of difficulty? James: Straight up, calls you out, action taker.
  • How do you apply your faith in the work you’re currently doing? Military members need to be ready to stand and sacrifice for our faith, speak out, disciple, maybe build a business. Aha moment: refocus on what’s most important in our lives. Weekly focus on community and accountability. Passion to help men realize there’s more in life than our careers and work. Refine men of God. Kinetic Men: Take action
  • Where do you think God is leading you next? Future goals/ambitions? Continue investing in Storehouse small groups, mastermind, and retreats.
  • What advice would you give to other believers in the military who are struggling? Stay strong. Find a community of people who you can surround yourself with who are fighting the same fight
  • How can listeners get in contact with you? www.storehouse310.com   


  • What does this episode reveal about God’s character?
  • How does this episode cause us to see our need for a Savior? 
  • How can we apply lessons learned from this episode to our life?

Follow Christ for this day!

  • ✝️ “Choose this day whom you will serve...” ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭24‬:‭15‬
  • ‭✝️ “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ 

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  • SHARE with another armed forces member
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