17. Interview with Major Aaron Roshiem: Army National Guard Blackhawk Pilot

Thundering Legion Podcast: Armed Forces Members United In Christ - Ein Podcast von Thundering Legion


Today's interview is with Major Aaron Rosheim. Major Rosheim is a Blackhawk helicopter pilot in the Iowa Army National Guard. He supervises aircraft maintenance and also serves on a headquarters staff. During his 19 years of service, he has commanded two companies (an assault helicopter company and an aviation maintenance company) and has served in various leadership and staff roles. He has deployed three times. When not serving in uniform, Aaron enjoys sports (both coaching and playing), home projects, and serving in his local church. He is married with five children. 


Episode Notes:

  • Background and testimony: Raised in Christian home and developed superficial and external faith. Wanted to play and coach football forever but parents’ divorce and football career ending in college shattered his identity. Aaron took a year off from God then came back to God all in… And God led him to join Iowa State ROTC to become Army aviator
  • What specifically drew you to the military and how did God nudge you in that direction? 2004: War in Iraq. Felt like he should join and serve. Dream guided him.
  • How have you seen God working through your successes and failures in your military career? Early on: survival mode. Then started Bible study group with friends. Airborne: Met Navigators ministry and learned how to share faith and disciple others. Military discipleship: Live life together (Navigators Bible Study/”Ft Rucker Seminary”), apply and do scripture - James, apply Bible to leadership roles.
  • Military is an unreached people group: Diverse socioeconomic ranks → Cross-cultural ministry. Dark spiritual place at timess so believers feel isolated. Started Bible study 19 years ago in Iowa State ROTC that still meets today. Started out watching Band of Brothers and discussing. Bible Study continued with Aaron left for flight school then Aaron came back to Iowa State Guard and continued to invest in ministry. Bible study partnered with Navigators and CRU (Valor ROTC ministry). Goal: Disciple and connect people.
  • Everyone must go through wilderness journey: Maybe called by job requirements or self-induced by personal sin. Elijah calling down fire then hid in cave. Ask God why he has planted you here? Find someone to disciple you. Find someone to disciple (build community). Can’t just wallow and wait!
  • How do we start a Bible study? Start with just one other person (pray!). Or find an existing community and plug in. That one person may grow into a small group. Read Scripture then discuss: Head, heart, hands
  • What are the biggest struggles or failures you’ve experienced while serving as a Christian? Failure to take spiritual opportunities. Relational failures (fear or busyness) prevent pride from growing. Passed up for promotion, job, assignment, deployment
  • Crossfit WOD enthusiasts suggested Aaron start VODgrams: Share daily verse and connect cadets.
  • Where do you think God is leading you next? Approaching retirement full time with Guard Spiritual inertia concept but open to redirection
  • What book of the Bible do you go to in times of difficulty? Romans 8. Galatians 2:20 = life verse
  • What advice would you give to other believers in the military who are struggling? Keep asking, searching, knocking. John 14:21. Love is based on obedience. Reset and repent of sin. Relationship over religion!
  • How can listeners get in contact with you? DM VODgrams on instagram


  • What does this episode reveal about God’s character?
  • How does this episode cause us to see our need for a Savior? 
  • How can we apply lessons learned from this episode to our life?

Follow Christ for this day!

✝️ “Choose this day whom you will serve...” ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭24‬:‭15‬

✝️ “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭9‬ 

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