Black Lives Matter
This Teenage Life - Ein Podcast von This Teenage Life
After 400 years of oppression and the brutal murder of George Floyd, the Black Lives Matter movement has swept the nation bringing people to demand an end to racist policing. In this episode, we share our feelings on the recent events and how they have impacted us. To all our black listeners: We stand with you and we love you. Antiracism Resources: Books related to antiracism: White Fragility, link by Robin Diangelo, Michael Eric DysonMe and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad How to be an Antiracist, link by Ibram X. Kendi Bad Feminist, link by Roxane Gay Related petitions you can sign (takes less than a minute): A youtube video that has ~1 hr of music and art from black creators — the ads (don’t skip them!) generate revenue and are donated to a variety of different organizations. it’s a great way to donate money if you don’t have money: Black-owned Businesses: Some can be found at