86| Stop Posting Out of Fear: Why I Quit Social Media For A Month
This Is Virginia Kerr: Video and Marketing Hacks for Women - Ein Podcast von Virginia Kerr

Posting out of fear is scarcity marketing. It's posting just to post. Posting because you're afraid if you don't, you'll be forgotten. It's posting for your ego and not your ideal person. In today’s podcast episode, I’m sharing why I took a break from social media for an entire month. You’ll hear what led up to me taking the break, the signs that you need to take a break and what I’m doing differently now because of that break. I was going to wait to tell you this. But I think updating you along the way as I implement these changes will be more helpful. Take this summer to learn how to make the most of your time. Because posting out of fear isn’t good for your mind, family or your business. To grab my FREE Convert Followers Into Customers with Video Training visit https://this-is-virginia-kerr.mykajabi.com/followers-to-customers For more information about the podcast, or to learn more about This is Video School, visit www.thisisvirginiakerr.com I would love to connect with you more on social media! You can find me at: Instagram: https://instagram.com/thisisvirginiakerr Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2572966429659470