105| The 5 Elements Your Content Has to Have to Create Loyal Customers and Super Fans
This Is Virginia Kerr: Video and Marketing Hacks for Women - Ein Podcast von Virginia Kerr

If you're checking off all the content boxes and not making the kind of money you want to be making....then you're missing one or more of the 5 must have elements. And no I'm not just talking about content strategy. I'm talking about what needs to be in your videos and messaging if you want people to come back for more and tell their friends about you. Today I'm breaking down these 5 must have elements and giving you real life and real people examples to explain how you can add these elements to your video content. Plus I just opened up applications for 1:1 coaching! It's for a limited time so apply here if you'd like me to help you with your video content strategy, on camera delivery, scripting and editing. To apply for a 1:1 Coaching Package visit https://virginiakerr.typeform.com/to/amm1kb. Wanna check out This Is Video School- THE PODCAST? Listen to it on Apple here. Listen to it on Spotify here. To learn more about This is Video School, visit www.thisisvirginiakerr.com Let's connect on social media! You can find me at: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ThisIsVirginiaKerr Instagram: https://instagram.com/thisisvirginiakerr