102| 6 Simple Editing Hacks to Get More Views
This Is Virginia Kerr: Video and Marketing Hacks for Women - Ein Podcast von Virginia Kerr

Can't figure out how to get more views? How to get more people watching your video longer? Yes, the algorithm plays a part in our views but that doesn't mean you can't get it to push it out to more people. The algorithm doesn't like or dislike a video..it just gets triggered and sends your video out to more people when it's watched longer. So if you can figure out how to get more people to watch longer, then you'll trigger the algorithm! Today I'm giving you 6 simple editing hacks that anyone can do so you can get more views. You're also getting resources and instructions- so be sure to take notes! For more information about the podcast, or to learn more about This is Video School, visit www.thisisvirginiakerr.com Let's connect on social media! You can find me at: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ThisIsVirginiaKerr Instagram: https://instagram.com/thisisvirginiakerr