Chris Langan on IQ, The Singularity, Free Will, Psychedelics, CTMU, and God

YouTube link: Chris Langan has the highest recorded IQ in America, and has invented a theory of everything called the CTMU based in metalogic. Sponsors: for 20% off. for supply chain AI. Patreon for conversations on Theories of Everything, Consciousness, Free Will, and God: Crypto (anonymous): PayPal: Twitter: Discord Invite: iTunes: Pandora: Spotify: Subreddit r/TheoriesOfEverything: CHRIS LANGAN LINKS: SPECIAL THANK YOU: Sam Thompson TIMSTAMPS: 00:00:00 Introduction 00:06:00 How long does it take to learn the CTMU? 00:09:52 Introduction to the CTMU 00:12:03 Syntax and Semantics duality (Stone duality) 00:13:26 Syntactic covering, human cognitive syntax, and reality syntax 00:14:38 "Language" is more like reality than mathematical language 00:15:19 Love, related to "inner expansion" 00:16:28 There's no such thing as a "literal interpretation" 00:17:47 Standard physics is a linear-ectomorphic semi-model 00:19:59 Zeno's paradox and the problem with continuity / real numbers 00:22:00 The conspansive manifold 00:24:03 Meta-simultaneity 00:25:58 CTMU set theory vs ZFC 00:28:15 Metaformal system vs formal system 00:32:37 Free will and telic recursion 00:34:17 Evil is incoherent 00:35:20 Syndiffeonesis and the hierarchy of metalanguages 00:37:32 Difference from sameness (monism / nonduality) 00:40:00 Mach's principle 00:42:08 Expanding universe (expanding INTO what? vs. the metric) 00:44:37 How did Chris come up with the CTMU? 00:45:41 Newcomb's paradox and free will 00:55:16 Unary relations and syndiffeonesis 00:57:02 You participate in what you perceive. You help create the world. 01:01:38 A theory of everything must "explain" cognition 01:02:26 Origin of life 01:03:19 Many Worlds Interpretation is "hogwash" 01:08:17 Existence is everywhere a choice to exist 01:12:58 Definition of G.O.D. (God) 01:14:16 If consciousness is associated with quantum collapse, can a particle be evil? 01:15:25 Good vs evil (in the CTMU) 01:17:14 Human Singularity vs Tech Singularity 01:20:18 Mind uploading 01:22:14 Maximum entanglement speed 01:23:01 Liar's paradox 01:24:49 What is death? What happens after death? 01:26:38 UFOs / UAPs / Jack Sarfatti 01:30:58 Chris' paranormal experiences 01:39:10 On the criticism of Chris' CTMU (and Weinstein / Wolfram) 01:43:27 Supertautology 01:46:05 Interpreting different religions as aspect of the same reality 01:46:55 Why is atheism associated with being intellectual? 01:51:31 IQ and Stephen Jay Gould 02:00:04 The truth about intelligence is that there's more to it than IQ 02:03:46 On Chris' personality, and how he chose his wife 02:11:18 New Atheism and Sam Harris / Dawkins 02:18:07 Hell exists 02:23:47 Belief vs action 02:27:29 God is his own bound 02:28:10 Who was Jesus? Who was Buddha? 02:30:52 Klee Irwin 02:36:05 Joscha Bach 02:38:33 Proto-computation vs Turing machine 02:44:50 Eric Weinstein's Geometric Unity 02:46:57 Stephen Wolfram's Theory of Everything 02:49:04 Donald Hoffman's "reality is an illusion" 02:50:34 Bohm and Bergson 02:55:07 Douglas Hofstadter's Strange Loop 02:56:37 Penrose and Hameroff 02:59:36 Thomas Campbell's "My Big TOE" 03:02:07 Noam Chomsky 03:06:06 Jordan Peterson 03:07:45 Metacausation 03:10:56 Logico-geometric duality 03:13:17 Trialic 03:14:47

Om Podcasten

Exploring theoretical physics, consciousness, Ai, and God in a technically rigorous manner. If you'd like to support this endeavor, then please visit the Patreon ( ). Thank you for your charitable and kindhearted support. My name's Curt Jaimungal, a Torontonian with a degree in mathematical physics from the University of Toronto and I analyze various Theories of Everything from this analytic perspective, though more and more opening up to alternative approaches. The separating factor of TOE from other podcasts is its focus on depth even at the risk of limiting the audience due to how much detail we delve into subjects. Paralleling the intensity found in academic discourse, we're increasingly embracing a spectrum of unconventional ideas to conduct research during this podcast, rather than merely conveying existing information. Contact toe [at] indiefilmTO [dot] com for business inquiries / sponsorship.