The Solution to the Problem is You

Roger Nairn of "The Solution Podcast" interviews Byron Katie. He begins by asking, "What was it that you saw in the world that needed a solution?" "My life was filled with depression, and I didn't have an answer," Katie says. "Then there was a moment when the answer just came to me. Even though I knew that depression was the problem, I didn't understand that what I was thinking and believing was the cause. I had to work in slow motion to identify each belief that was causing a disturbance in my mind and then question that belief. That was my solution to the problem." Katie then takes Roger through the four questions and turnarounds of The Work on the belief "He betrayed me" and clarifies how The Work as meditation moves us beyond the ego and into wisdom. "What sort of results should people who do The Work hope to achieve?" Roger asks. "The answer to all their problems," says Katie. "When our mind is clear, wisdom has room to live. When I'm believing things onto the world, where is there room for wisdom?" Byron Katie Mitchell (everyone calls her Katie) discovered the gift of The Work in 1986. She has been traveling around the world since 1992, offering The Work to millions of people at free public events, in prisons, hospitals, churches, corporations, battered women's facilities, universities and schools, at weekend intensives, the nine-day School for The Work, and her 28-day Turnaround House. She is the author of Loving What Is, I Need Your Love-Is That True?, A Thousand Names for Joy, and A Mind at Home with Itself. We are all innocent. The only thing we are guilty of is believing our unquestioned thoughts. —Byron Katie Website: Webcasts: Subscribe: Facebook: Twitter: © 2017 Byron Katie International. Inc. All rights reserved.

Om Podcasten

Byron Katie, founder of The Work, has one job: to teach people how to end their own suffering. As she guides people through the powerful process of inquiry she calls The Work, they find that their stressful beliefs—about life, other people, or themselves—radically shift and their lives are changed forever. Based on Byron Katie's direct experience of how suffering is created and ended, The Work is an astonishingly simple process, accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds, and requires nothing more than a pen, paper, and an open mind. Through this process, anyone can learn to trace unhappiness to its source and deal with it there. Katie (as everyone calls her) not only shows us that all the problems in the world originate in our thinking: she gives us the tool to open our minds and set ourselves free.