3 Reasons Neurodivergent Children DON'T Self-Advocate

We often tell kids to self-advocate but they don't and it leaves us wondering, WHY? In today's episode, I talk about -  ➡️ The top 3 reasons why autistic children and children with ADHD don't self-advocate, ➡️ What we can do to help,  ➡️ And why teaching this skill is so important (hint: it has to do with abuse).  ❤️ Holly- The Mom/Psychologist Who Gets It Holly's ONE STOP RESOURCE - Social skills guide, Behavior Guide, and MORE! Learn more about Holly's private practice in North Carolina Learn more about Holly's courses ⭐️Join the Facebook Groups ➡️ Parents, Come on over and join the Autism ADHD Facebook Group for Parents ➡️ Professionals, Join the Facebook Group for Therapists and Educators

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Supporting neurodiverse children can be both rewarding and confusing. Holly Blanc Moses shares her strategies to support children diagnosed with ADHD and/or Autism. If you want to learn more about emotional health, behavior, social interaction and academics, this podcast is for you.