The Battle Between Good & Bad with Eric Zimmer (Re-Release)

Name of Expert: Eric Zimmer Why I Believe This Person Is A Warrior: This man is a warrior for many reasons. One of the biggest reasons I believe he is a warrior is that he is a recovering alcoholic who not only chose to fight that battle but to help others fighting it too. The good he has done with his battles has helped many other people become stronger and more confident - that to me is a true warrior. Who They Are & Something Only The People Closest To Them Know: He is the host of the podcast ‘The One You Feed’ named Best of 2014 by iTunes. He does consulting work, writes and performs music, and is a proud father of a son and 3 dogs. Their Battle, Mentally Or Physically, They Fought And Came Out A Warrior: The defining battle for him was an addiction to drugs and alcohol. He had to overcome that twice and ultimately came out a warrior that is helping others. Warrior They Look Up To: He looks up to everyday warriors who manage to be good people despite their circumstances like single mothers. Heart Of The Interview: The beauty of his podcast is a parable he starts off with every show. It’s a story that gets you in the right mindset. The parable is known as The Parable of Two Wolves and it goes “a grandfather is walking with his grandson. He tells the grandson ‘There are two wolves inside of us that are always in battle. One is a good wolf that represents things like kindness, bravery, and love. The other is a bad wolf that represent things like greed, hatred, and fear.’ The grandson stops, thinks and asks the grandfather ‘Which one wins?’  And the grandfather says, ‘The one you feed.’ “ That parable sets the tone of our podcast today. We go deep into this concept and learn more about it. What Being A Warrior Means To Them: Showing up every day with the intentions of doing your best and being willing to not let life define you. Their Greatest Life Lesson Learned: Get started on whatever it is that you want to do. Also, not letting your mood and emotions dictate your actions Where You Can Find Them: The One You Feed Podcast  

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The Warrior Life teaches you how to be successful in all areas of your life. Warriors are mentally and physically strong, so the show focuses on complete health. Laying the foundation for a warrior’s life takes commitment and dedication to all aspects of your well-being. The show airs twice a week. Tuesdays are an expansive version of my weekly blog, which teaches you how to break through bad diet cycles and create positive relationships with food to achieve the body and life of your dreams. Thursdays are interviews with experts to help you overcome the daily battles we all face: being young, aging, disorganization, work-life balance, stress, lack of sleep and more. The podcast will educate and inspire you to become the best warrior you can be!