623: "Live Bait" (TWD S4E6 Rewatch)

The 'Cast of Us: A Last of Us & Walking Dead 'Cast - Ein Podcast von Podcastica - Montags


Is this the first TWD episode that many (most?) fans generally don’t like much? As such, it was really fun to re-examine it, and we’re happy to be joined by Nathan Eshelman, who’s a fan of the episode and especially of Tara. Links:Panels at Walker Stalker with Meyrick Murphy (Meghan), Brighton Sharbino (Lizzie), Emma Bell (Amy), and Addy Miller (Teddy Bear Girl): https://podcastica.com/podcast/the-cast-of-us/episode/152-emma-bell-brighton-sharbino-madison-lintz-addy-miller-meyrick-murphy Nathan’s writings about horror movies at “Hack or Slash”: https://www.hackorslash.live/search/?q=Nathan+eshelmanThe Zedhead Show 23: TWD Musings & Trivia w/ Nathan & Karen: https://www.patreon.com/posts/zedhead-show-23-72163751What is Audio Description?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_GrYOruY7w Next up: Finally getting back to Silo, with S2E7-10. Let us know your thoughts!You can email or send a voice message to [email protected]. Or check out our Facebook group, where we put up comment posts for each episode, at facebook.com/groups/podcastica.Check out all our other shows at podcastica.com. Show support and get ad-free episodes and a bunch of other cool stuff: patreon.com/jasoncabassi • Or go to buymeacoffee.com/cabassi for a one-time donation.Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy

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