2544: Don't Fight the Rip Tide!

The AIM ALL Share is at a new low at 760 from its all time high Last low was at 770 in October last year. It’s now down 42% from it’s all time high 658 days ago. The last time it was at this level during the dash for cash crash in April 2020.  This was a quick dip that recovered.  Previous to this, it was last at this level on 4th August 2016.  2,505 days ago.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the The SharePickers Podcast with Justin Waite. I am a passionate investor who wants to share what I have learned in my investing journey, as it's transformed my life. This is a podcast about helping you build wealth through investing. There's only two realistic ways to build wealth: own a successful business or own a share of a successful business. New episodes are released weekly, featuring thoughts, strategies, anecdotes about life and investing. There's also the weekend podcast which Justin records with Paddy, Pete & Steve. If you want to learn more about my investment strategy, you can join my investment club at https://www.sharepickers.com You can listen to my podcast at: https://www.sharepickers.com/category/podcast/ Twitter @SharePickers https://twitter.com/SharePickers LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinadamwaite/