61. A lot of news. Like, a LOT.
The Voiceover Social - Ein Podcast von Rob Bee and Helen Bee - Dienstags

Find out about the six big things that Equity needs you to know, Leah's mad news, Nic's thrilling new project, and some VERY dramatic gossip about the future of the podcast... Also, here are some links: PLANNER: Get 10% off your Voiceover Career Planner with the code XMAS10 here: https://thevosocial.myshopify.com/ VO SOCIAL NORTH: Here's the event page https://fb.me/e/3H4j3WtfJ but you'll have to join the VO Social North group here first: https://www.facebook.com/groups/409394646729749 SIGN UP TO NIC’S MAILING LIST: https://nicolaredman.com/newsletter/ Everything Annette mentioned: https://www.equity.org.uk/news/2022/october/shape-equity-s-audio-action-plan/ The survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Equity-Audio-Action-Plan Sign up to the Mailing List https://actionnetwork.org/forms/sign-up-to-equitys-audio-mailing-list The updated Audio Guide: https://www.equity.org.uk/media/6272/equity-audio-guide-170622.pdf Stop AI Stealing the Show https://www.equity.org.uk/getting-involved/campaigns/stop-ai-stealing-the-show/ Write to your MP https://equity.eaction.org.uk/StopAIStealingtheShow Theme tune written and performed by Martin Stirrup under this Creative Commons license, with violin by Alice Gilmour