56. Animal Noises

The Voiceover Social - Ein Podcast von Rob Bee and Helen Bee - Dienstags


MOOO! WOOF! SQUIRK! It’s time for some animal noises! Join us in the Voiceover Zoo to find out why it’s a great idea to practise your donkey impression in the shower AND how to think technically about the things your voice is doing. Get your Voiceover Career Planner here! https://thevosocial.myshopify.com/ With enormous thanks to: The Twenty Thousand Hertz podcast: https://www.20k.org/episodes/creaturespeakers Eloise Whitmore from Naked Productions: http://nakedproductions.co.uk/ Dian Perry: https://dianperry.com/showreels/ Darren Altman for his David Attenborough impression: https://www.darrenaltman.com/voiceover-services/ The following VOs for their contributions to the Voiceover Zoo: Drew Campbell, Jason Warner, Cromerty York, JD Gibson, Can Duthie, Caroline Ashby, Tim Uffindell, Cheryl Holling, Stephanie Cannon, Natalie Beran and CP Engelbrecht Jo the VO, as ever: www.jotroy.com Listen to all the episodes of Source Elements’ Witch and Cat series here: https://www.thevosocial.com/the-vo-social-podcast/episode/55991cfc/how-to-find-a-podcast-sponsor-without-selling-your-soul The person with the L in their miaow is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQgbBRKAWVo The person with the two noises at the same time is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htSYVnHKq_Q&list=RDCMUCy_pH0l1ENt0keocE09jYDw&index=33 Theme tune written and performed by Martin Stirrup under this Creative Commons license, with violin by Alice Gilmour This podcast is sponsored by Source Elements

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