220 - How to Deal with Difficult People with Psychotherapist Andrea Bonior

Andrea Bonior is a psychologist who spent fifteen years turning what she’d learned in the therapy office into a mental health column for The Washington Post called “Baggage Check.” She’s also the author of three books, including Detox Your Thoughts. She writes for Psychology Today and is the host of a new podcast called Baggage Check. Some of the things Andrea shares are how to deal with people who cancel plans at the last minute, what to do when someone always points out the negative, and how to respond to unsolicited advice.

Om Podcasten

This season of the Verywell Mind Podcast will be focused on the power of community and hosted by Minaa B, a licensed social worker, mental health educator, and author of "Owning Our Struggles." Minaa is also a community care expert who helps people build healthy relationships. Every Friday, we'll be speaking with experts, wellness advocates, and individuals with lived experiences about community care and its impact on mental health. Episodes 1 – 263 were hosted by Amy Morin, psychotherapist and former editor-in-chief of Verywell Mind.