2801: Exploring Quantum Frontiers With BAE Systems

What does the future hold for defence technologies in an era where quantum computing, sensors, and AI are no longer just theoretical concepts but tangible realities? Neil Hughes invites Rob Merryweather, Group Technology Director at BAE Systems, to explore the groundbreaking impact of quantum technologies and AI in the defence sector. This episode promises a fascinating journey into how these advanced technologies are redefining capabilities, strategies, and the very nature of security and defence operations. Rob Merryweather brings a wealth of knowledge from BAE Systems, a leading company at the forefront of defence and security innovations. We delve into the revolutionary potential of quantum technologies, from quantum sensors that are setting new standards in navigation and anti-submarine warfare to quantum computing's role in reshaping the development and production processes within the defence industry. Rob will share insights into how these quantum advancements are not just enhancing existing capabilities but creating new paradigms of operational efficiency and strategic advantage. Listeners will gain an understanding of how quantum sensors offer unprecedented accuracy and reliability in geolocation, far surpassing today's GPS devices, and opening up new possibilities for exploration and interaction with the world. Rob will also discuss the transformative potential of quantum computing in tackling complex computational challenges, such as managing large fleets of autonomous vehicles and integrating multi-domain operations, offering significant operational advantages in the battlespace. Moreover, this episode will touch upon the critical role of AI in defence, from automating mundane or hazardous tasks to enhancing human decision-making processes. Rob will highlight BAE Systems' approach to leveraging AI across various applications, including flight controls, missile warning systems, and training modules, emphasizing the importance of ethics, responsible use, and the need for explainability in AI's recommendations to operators. As we navigate through these topics, we'll uncover the key opportunities that quantum technologies and AI present for the defence sector, focusing on performance enhancement, the acceleration of capability development, and the automation of tasks. Join us as we discuss the future of defence with Rob Merryweather and consider the implications of these technological leaps for global security, ethical considerations, and the balance between human and machine collaboration in making critical decisions. How are quantum technologies and AI transforming the defence landscape? What challenges and opportunities lie ahead? Tune in to this enlightening conversation and share your thoughts on the future of defence innovation.   Check out the Sponsor of Tech Talks Daily. Step into the future of secure managed file transfer with Kiteworks. Visit kiteworks.com to get started. 

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The speed of technological change continues to race ahead at breakneck speed, but it will never move this slowly again. In 2024, businesses and their employees will be expected to get to grips with AI, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, Extended Reality, Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Sustainable Tech, Green Computing, Cybersecurity, 5G, Blockchain, Crypto, IoT, Autonomous Everything, Human Augmentation, Data Sovereignty, Privacy, AI ethics and the Digital Transformation of everything. Navigating these uncharted digital waters can feel daunting and overwhelming for business leaders, IT teams, and employees in every sector. Especially when scrolling down newsfeeds full of hype, buzzwords, and confusing technical jargon/acronyms. Does this sound familiar? Welcome to Tech Talks Daily, a podcast uniting business and technology. Tech Journalist Neil C. Hughes brings you the latest insights into business technology, digital transformation, and the evolving business landscape and IT. This technology podcast focuses on real-world applications and business strategies around digital transformation. From AI's impact on business operations to navigating the complexities of cloud computing and cybersecurity, Neil explores how technology reshapes industries and redefines personal and business success in 2024. The lineup of guests includes tech leaders, CEOs, entrepreneurs, visionaries, and even the occasional celebrity who has walked the path of tech innovation. High-profile guests share their startup stories, their journey through digital transformation, and how technology has revolutionized their businesses and lives. Whether you want to understand how to harness technology for business growth or stay informed, Tech Talks Daily is your daily dose of inspiration and insight. Join the conversation and be part of a community shaping the future of business and technology.