366 - Richard Rohlin - Universal History: The Voyage of St. Brendan
The Symbolic World - Ein Podcast von Jonathan Pageau

This episode is part of our miniseries of Universal History episodes focused on Ireland. We talk about the voyage of St. Brendan the Navigator, one of the mythical founders of Ireland, along with a general exploration of what it takes to create culture and being a Christian in the world.YouTube version: https://youtu.be/nlzEUV5sV2oPrevious UH episodes on Ireland:1. Universal History: Ireland, the Remnant: https://youtu.be/PBNkmLxUYHk?si=QQPkLg6VVx57o2GC 2. Universal History: The Surprising Irish Origin of Purgatory - with Richard Rohlin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBdXgwl1VYU Read more about Irish saints. The book Richard recommends is in two volumes: The Lives of Irish Saints, edited by Charles Plummer. Links:- Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Lives-Saints-Oxford-Reprints-Volumes/dp/0198213891- Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/bethadanemnr01plumuoft/page/n7/mode/2up---Sign up for Dr. Martin Shaw's first-ever live online course, Christian Wonder Tales, starting November 12th. This 4-week, 8-hour course is hosted on the Symbolic World Circle Community. Patrons at the Involved level or higher get 10% off, apply your discount code at checkout: https://www.thesymbolicworld.com/courses/christian-wonder-tales Mythographer, writer, and storyteller Dr Martin Shaw takes us deep into the heart of what he calls Christian Wonder Tales. Profoundly mythic, these teaching stories range from the early saints through to the grandeur of the Round Table and Arthurian tradition. Shaw emphasises these stories as remerging providentially on time for the perils of modern life. Filled with vocation, sacrifice, and courage, these are an inheritance many of us simply didn’t know we had.🔗 All links: https://linktr.ee/jonathanpageau 💻 Website and blog: http://www.thesymbolicworld.com🔒 BECOME A PATRON: https://thesymbolicworld.com/subscribe ---Timestamps:00:00 - Coming up00:46 - Intro music01:12 - Start03:04 - A corrective to the Universal History series12:05 - The 12 apostles of Ireland14:19 - St. Brendan21:25 - Fun stories about St. Brendan39:26 - Next episode of the Voyage of St. Brendan46:13 - The foundation of a church49:09 - How to keep the liturgical calendar56:14 - The torment of Judas01:04:30 - Did Brendan go to North America?---📱 SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheSymbolicWorld Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/pageaujonathan Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jonathan.pageauOur website designers: https://www.resonancehq.io/ My intro was arranged and recorded by Matthew Wilkinson.