Episode 17: The power of ........ (pause) ..........

You can't make sense if you don't take a breath occasionally.  Without space, music would be unpleasant to listen to.  Without time to reflect, people can't get their thoughts straight, decisions are rushed and potentially disastrous.  Kate & Max share tips on the power of pausing and how to do it well in a conversation, a meeting, during a regular day or even to avoid burnout.  Find out more about ways to take meaningful pauses at theaccidentalmanager .  That's where you'll find the 5-minute noodles  Breathe, APPLE, 6 hats, 1-2-4-all, Preparing to Give Feedback, Type of Change, Johari Window and Anchors. The book we mention in this episode is Nancy Kline's Time To Think which  suggests steps to take so people and teams can really get everything out on the table.  We also acknowledge Austrian neurologist, psychologist and Holocaust survivor Victor Frankl who is attributed to have said: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”Join the chat at noodle.space and follow us for daily snippets to boost your day on Instagram @noodle_space.

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A lot of important learning tends to happen by accident and this podcast series shares with you the lessons we wish we'd known sooner. Kate and Max explore the good, the bad and the ugly experiences they've had as people managers and consultants as they noodle through what worked and why. This podcast helps you to be the best version of you when interacting with individuals and teams, giving you ideas to boost your confidence, have more impact and be more influential.