Ep154: Cam Speedy; Wildlife Ecologist

The Stag Roar: Life Less Ordinary - Ein Podcast von Ryan O'Connor

Cam Speedy is a freelance Wildlife Biologist based in the Central North Island with more than 30 years’ experience working on a range of both native and introduced wildlife.

Cam’s first love is Sika deer and he has been involved in Sika research most of his working life including habitat studies, herd dynamics, population monitoring and radio tracking work, with a number of published scientific papers and 100’s of magazine articles to his name.

He is passionate about wildlife management and has dedicated his working life to understanding some of the complex wildlife issues unique to New Zealand, sharing that understanding with others and trying to make a difference.

His training and work experience over the past 30 years through Massey University, New Zealand Forest Service, Department of Conservation and in the private and corporate sectors has given him a wealth of knowledge and practical experience.

This knowledge and experience spans game, pest, threatened species and ecosystem management, related research and resource consent management. He has also developed strong networks and relationships with key practitioners and stakeholders along the way.

Cam has been a regular feature writer for NZ Outdoor Hunting Magazine since 2007 and he is an experienced, passionate and inspired speaker on wildlife management and other environmental issues.

Website: https://sikafoundation.co.nz/cam-speedy/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cam-Speedy-Wildlife-Biologist-163918673669632/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cam-speedy-03833840/?originalSubdomain=nz

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