Ep149: Dave Byrnes; Hunting Arete

The Stag Roar: Life Less Ordinary - Ein Podcast von Ryan O'Connor

Hunting Arete is an Australian based Podcast on Hunting, Life and its challenges, Conservation, Good Times and Great People. We talk to a range of people from the little known hunters out there getting it done to some well-known names.

Hunting Arete is not afraid to dig deep and discuss the sensitive subjects of life and its challenges of which many endure and work around to keep following their passion.

Whether chasing Wild pigs on the plains, Sambar in the High Country, Tahr over the ditch, Sheep in North America or Capra in the Far East, drop us a line if you know someone whose story is worth the telling.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hunting_arete/

Website: http://huntingarete.com.au/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HuntingArete/

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/hunting-arete-podcast/id1355225198

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Sponsor: https://waiket0.pruvitnow.com/nz/

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