Ep148: Mike Rudling; Radix Nutrition

The Stag Roar: Life Less Ordinary - Ein Podcast von Ryan O'Connor

Radix is a leader in applied nutrition. Products are designed with the aim of improving health and performance across a range of nutritional requirements, specific protocols, and dietary allergies. Radix products are used in all spheres of life, from elite athletes at the Olympic level to healthcare practitioners and individuals looking to improve their health.

Applied Nutrition is the methodology of applying the latest in scientific nutritional research to a specific health or performance goal. Radix uses this approach to inform the design processes and manufacturing technology decisions. Radix believes this approach results in products that are highly nutritious, effective and safe.

Radix has worked with teams and individuals across many world-class athletic events. Examples include multiple Olympic games, world championships, Americas Cup, Sail GP, UCI Cycling and motorsport events. Increasingly, Radix is being used by health care professionals and individuals who seek a simpler solution to improving the quality of their diet.

Our mission is to use applied nutrition to target cognitive and physical performance through the enhancement of metabolic function.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/radixnutrition/

Website: https://www.radixnutrition.com/

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