Interview with Jason Sowell of the Laundry Project

Laundry- I hate to do it. I will avoid it until I have to do it and then, I do it begrudgingly. But, what if I couldn't do it? What if I had to choose between clean clothes and food? How would that affect my life? In today's episode, Jason Sowell and I discuss those situations. He saw a need and just decided that he would do something about it. He didn't wait until the he had a plan or he had an organization. He just did it. AND after doing it for some time, he created the Laundry Project here in the Tampa Bay area. Now, it's in cities all across the US. AND that's not where he stopped. He also created the Hope for Homes Project and Affordable Christmas.  Jason is one of the impact makers that I talk about and then some. Not only has he changed his local community and the lives of people in it, but also communities across the nation and countless other lives. I hope you listen to Jason's story and that it inspires you to do more. For more information on the The Small Magic Podcast or to submit a story, please go to our website here.

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SMALL MAGIC was actually born out of the 2016 election cycle. I realized that I didn’t like all the boxes people were being put into and I didn’t like all the separation that was happening around me. From Islamaphobia to Black Lives Matter, there was more and more of that “us” against “them” feeling and no one was doing anything about it. I’m determined to change that and the world around me. And SMALL MAGIC is the vehicle I choose to use to do so.