Episode 099 - Separation Anxiety in Older Kids

As parents, the idea that our kids don't like to be apart from us is not just understandable, the feeling is full-on mutual. The bond between us and our children cannot be overstated. As they get older, some kids naturally start to explore their emerging independence with enthusiasm. Others, not so much. So when it comes time for the first day of pre-school, daycare, or even an afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's house, many kids will resist with an intensity that can be downright heartbreaking for both them and their parents. Today, I've got some tips to help you reassure your child that your leaving isn't permanent, ease their anxiety around new people, and help them approach unfamiliar situations with excitement and enthusiasm.

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The Sleep Sense Show examines the wonderful world of parenthood with a focus on helping you and your children get full, restful, rejuvenating nights of sleep. Hosted by Dana Obleman, creator of The Sleep Sense Program, we'll be bringing you expert advice, fascinating interviews, and all the tips, tricks and techniques you need to build a healthy, well-rested family.