Episode 097 - Switching From a Crib to a Bed

Sooner or later, your toddler is going to outgrow their crib, and while the switch to a big-kid bed is an exciting milestone, it usually brings on some challenges. Toddlers tend to test their boundaries when they experience the newfound freedom of a regular bed, and you can typically expect a few late-night visits, sleep regressions, and early morning wake ups while they're getting used to their new sleeping arrangements. Today, I have some suggestions that will help you decide on the right time to make the switch, as well as some common mistakes parents make when we're preparing our little ones for the transition.

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The Sleep Sense Show examines the wonderful world of parenthood with a focus on helping you and your children get full, restful, rejuvenating nights of sleep. Hosted by Dana Obleman, creator of The Sleep Sense Program, we'll be bringing you expert advice, fascinating interviews, and all the tips, tricks and techniques you need to build a healthy, well-rested family.