How to Think Bigger with Don Hobbs

The SIGRUN Show - Ein Podcast von SIGRUN


A big vision and a small vision take exactly the same amount of time, effort and energy — so why not think big?  Don Hobbs, my guest this week on The Sigrun Show, really inspired me with these words.  Don began a successful sales and leadership career when he was just 18 years old, working with personal development legend Jim Rohn. He built and owned several companies and is a speaker, influencer, and president of Success magazine.  His ultimate vision is to inspire people to change their lives and businesses and in this episode, we talk about how you can think bigger, act bigger, and really show up — because the world has never been changed by anyone who’s played small.  In this Episode of The Sigrun Show: How Don grew up in the personal development world (2:45) What women can do to show up bigger (11:40) How you can overcome your fear of showing up (14:15) What commitment means and why it’s so powerful (18:32) Why opportunity comes with responsibility (21:30) Don’s most inspirational thoughts from this episode A big vision and a small vision take exactly the same amount of time, effort and energy. But if you think small, no one wants to join or follow you. If you think big, everyone wants to join you and be inspired. The only difference between these two results is how big you think, the vision you have.  Quoting Cherie Carter-Scott. Commitment is what turns dreams into reality. Your choice is what you want, and your commitment is what allows you to have it. It doesn’t matter what you commit to, what matters is the relationship you develop with yourself by committing to what you want. When you commit, you know you can be counted on to do what you say you will do. For people who have a strong investment in not getting what they want, commitment is extremely uncomfortable and sometimes painful. The painful part is letting go of the attachment to not getting what you want. Commitment means getting out there and making it happen. When you have committed to someone or something, there is no more confusion or doubt. You have direction, focus and purpose. Commitment gives you freedom and great power. Commitment means that you back yourself and that you stand behind your choices. Commitment means giving yourself all the power in your life. It means being committed to you.  Quoting Marianne Williamson. Our deepest fear is not that we’re inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It’s our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fears, our presence automatically liberates others.  Playing small doesn’t serve anybody. The world has never been changed by somebody who played small. The world has been changed by people who said: It’s not ok that it’s like this. People deserve more. If you’re inspired and have a vision for doing something, make it a big vision. Let’s not live as an example of what not to do, but what to do. Knowing that you are enough is the core of it.  Are you ready to think big? Showing up, thinking big and putting yourself out there starts with one simple thing: Taking action.  I invite you to take action this summer. I’m currently running Online Business Summer School, the best and biggest FREE program I’ve ever done, and it’s for anyone who wants to make massive progress in their online business this summer.  We’re one week in and already worked on creating a powerful and compelling vision. So many summer schoolers have already shared amazing breakthroughs! And… … it’s not too late for you to catch up! If you’re serious about your online business, join us and make massive progress this summer.  Sign up for Online Business Summer School now.  Connect with Don [email protected] Don on Instagram

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