686: Phil Buckley - How To Survive Uncertainty

The Self-Employed Life - Ein Podcast von Jeffrey Shaw - Mittwochs


Phil Buckley is the author of Change with Confidence: Answers to the 50 Biggest Questions that Keep Change Leaders Up at Night and his new book Change on the Run: 44 Ways to Survive Workplace Uncertainty. He has over 25 years of experience helping global businesses drive performance through change. He’s also held multiple senior leadership positions, and he’s the host of the Change on the Run podcast.    I’m excited to talk with him about his new book and all of his ideas about implementing change in a positive way. Change on the Run features tried-and-true strategies to help all of us implement change in the best way possible for our careers and our businesses. We talk about emerging strong in 2021, and ways to create a growth oriented mindset. Phil shares the importance of having confidence, so that you can find the right answers.    We also talk about how teams finding answers together can lead to action and how that action leads to momentum. This is an action packed podcast for finding your strengths and the foundations that your business was built on and then thinking about ways you can adapt those strengths to your current business environment. There is an explosion of opportunities out there if you are willing to find them. Hopefully, this interview will inspire you to move forward in a positive way.   And be sure to subscribe to The Self-Employed Life in Apple podcasts or follow us on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss an episode.   Everything you need can all be found at jeffreyshaw.com    Phil Buckley thank you so much for being here!   Remember, you might be in business FOR yourself but you are not in business BY yourself.  Be your best self. Be proud and keep changing the world.   Join 17,000 subscribers looking to do "business with a soul" and sign up to receive my Self-Employed Nutshell Newsletter! Sign up here! Guest Contact –   Phil Buckley LinkedIn Change on the Run Change on the Run Podcast Change on the Run: 44 Ways to Survive Workplace Uncertainty Change with Confidence: Answers to the 50 Biggest Questions that Keep Change Leaders Up at Night   Contact Jeffrey – Website Coaching support My book, LINGO: Discover Your Ideal Customer’s Secret Language and Make Your Business Irresistible is now available! Watch my TEDx LincolnSquare video and please share!   Take The Self-Employed Assessment!  Ever feel like you're all over the place? Or frustrated it seems like you have everything you need for your business success but it's somehow not coming together? Take this short quiz to discover the biggest hidden gap that’s keeping you from having a thriving Self-Employed Ecosystem. You’ll find out what part of your business needs attention and you'll also get a few laser-focused insights to help you start closing that gap. Have Your Website Brand Message Reviewed! Is your website and are all your marketing materials speaking the right LINGO of your ideal customers? Often it’s not which is why you’re not converting traffic and leads to clients and attracting your most profitable customers. Fill out the simple LINGO Review application and I’ll take a look at your website. If I have suggestions for you to improve your brand message (I almost always do), we’ll set up a complimentary 30-minute call to discuss. A select number of websites are also chosen for my LINGO Review Video Series. Fill out the application today and let’s get your business speaking the right LINGO!   Host Jeffrey Shaw is a Small Business Consultant, Brand Management Consultant, Business Coach for Entrepreneurs, Keynote Speaker, TEDx Speaker and author of LINGO and The Self Employed Life (May 2021). Supporting self-employed business owners with business and personal development strategies they need to create sustainable success.

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