Ron Morehead, The Sierra sounds and beyond

Author/Adventurist Ron Morehead, producer of the Sierra Sounds, has been known for decades for his world-wide research into the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon. To date, he comes closer than any other researcher to having a complete body of evidence. The Sierra Sounds are the only Bigfoot recordings that have been scientifically studied, time-tested, and accredited as genuine. Ron has documented his personal interactions with these giant beings. Ron Morehead    Scottish Paranormal Podcast - YouTube   @scottishparanormalpodcast • Instagram photos and videos    

Om Podcasten

Documenting the reported and unreported strange occurrences in Scotland. We will delve into the strange stories kept within families or a close circle of friends, bring them to the light of day, research past cases, witness interviews, discussion, and on-site recordings when possible. You will hear anything paranormal from, ufo’s/uap’s, alien abduction, cryptids, folklore, entities, ghosts, spirituality, and high strangeness. Join us and contribute with your accounts at [email protected]