Your future, alignment, and planetary cycles.

In this episode, Rose outlines historical periods of the past, walks you through planetary trends of Saturn, Uranus, and the Aquarian age-related to societal trends, humanity, our ancestors, and the future. She provokes you to contemplate your future, the future of the world, the economy, science, and the fears and uncertainty that accompany progress and evolution. She weaves themes of culture, discovery, and imagination.

Om Podcasten

A timeless astrology lifestyle podcast, by Rose Theodora–Astrologer, teacher, curator, and spiritual counselor. The Podcast is a lens through which to know yourself, your astrological make-up, and planetary aspects more deeply–to feel empowered and uplifted. In each episode, Rose dives into an astrological theme, the transits (current cosmic weather), occasionally and often weaving in relationship (synastry), natal placements, synchronicity, lifestyle, science, theory, and contemplative whispers–sharing her years of expertise, experience, and ageless wisdom with you. You can follow Rose on Instagram for daily updates @rosetheodora_astrology or visit her website to book a reading, for astrological counseling, upcoming events, speaking engagements, and resources. Sound editing by Cara.Rara