Rose Davey - Art historian & artist

We first came across Rose after viewing one of her Lockdown Lectures and were fascinated at how accessible, relaxed and often downright funny her insights into 15th and European, pre-1900 paintings were. We were eager to chat about details that Rose pointed out in paintings and similarities to our own floral processes. We could have chatted for hours about colour theory, composition and eating cheese off your own artwork …

Om Podcasten

A podcast for creative and curious minds. Three floral friends, Brigitte, Lucy and Fiona delve into the process, inspiration and musings of creators across all fields. In our podcast, we have created the perfect opportunity to dive into other artist’s spaces; to compare similarities, investigate differences and and wonder at the sheer genius of amazingly talented artists and makers around the globe. So make yourself a brew, take a bit of time out of your hectic day and join our comfortable, often irreverent chats with inspiring creators.