Why Introvert Realtors Make Great Listing Presentations
The Real Estate UnSalesperson - Ein Podcast von Barry Karch
#179 - Too often, introvert Realtors have a “whoa was me” attitude,” thinking if only they were more extroverted, the business would be so much easier. Whoa was me!So what do they do? They try to fake it – and guess what? It doesn’t work. You can’t be someone you’re not – and that’s a good thing. You’re not a second class Realtor – you have special introvert super powers! Be proud of who you are and take advantage of your gifts!Just like Clark Kent turned into Superman, you can turn into Super Realtor!I'll discuss how to use your super powers to win listings on this episode.Get The UnSalesyGram NewsletterWould you like to get some tips on how to successfully sell real estate without having to be a natural born salesperson? How about some inspiration and motivation to go along with it? If so, sign up for my free UnSalesyGram Newsletter here!Support the showGet the UnSalesyGram Newsletter!Would you like to get some great ideas on how to successfully sell real estate in an unsalesy manner along with some inspiration and motivation? Sign up for my free UnSalesyGram Newsletter here!Visit TheRealEstateUnsalesperson.com for more great content!Love the show? Support it at patreon.com/unsalesperson