UnSalesy Follow Up
The Real Estate UnSalesperson - Ein Podcast von Barry Karch
#061 - The gold is in the follow up! We all know that we need to do it, yet most of us don’t.On this episode of The Real Estate Unsalesperson podcast, I talk about unsalesy follow up – how to follow up with prospects in an easy and successful fashion.Many people that we meet want to buy or sell a home, but not today. They may be ready in 3 months, 6 months, a year, or several years from now. That is ok! We’ll want business then. It’s great to have a pipeline of prospects to eliminate the peaks and valleys of your income. And you know what? Time passes by awfully quickly. Before you know it a year or two will have gone by and some of your prospects will be ready to do business – so why not with you?If you follow up, you’ll have almost no competition for their business. Most Realtors only think about the people who are right in front of them now and forget about their prospects for the future.On this podcast, I discuss what method to use when following up, how often to do it, and what to say. What I’m going to tell you works! I was in the top 10 out of thousands of Dave Ramsey endorsed Realtors in conversion percentage – and it was due to my follow up. Most of Dave Ramsey’s prospects were not ready to do business immediately.And guess what – your prospects will love you for following up. You’ll make them feel important.Listen to the episode on unsalesy follow up.Join The UnSalesperson Community!Even introverts need a community sometimes! That’s why I’m excited to announce that I have created The UnSalesperson Community. It’s your opportunity to interact with fellow introverted and unsalesy Realtors to encourage, motivate, and inspire each other. Share your challenges and we’ll brainstorm for solutions. Introverts make the best Realtors, but we do things differently. We’ll discuss how to put our unique strengths to use. We’ll even have zoom meet ups. And – if that’s not enough, you can even get some UnSalesperson swag! Go to patreon.com/unsalesperson for more information!Support the showGet the UnSalesyGram Newsletter!Would you like to get some great ideas on how to successfully sell real estate in an unsalesy manner along with some inspiration and motivation? Sign up for my free UnSalesyGram Newsletter here!Visit TheRealEstateUnsalesperson.com for more great content!Love the show? Support it at patreon.com/unsalesperson