Let's Celebrate!

The Real Estate UnSalesperson - Ein Podcast von Barry Karch


#150 -  It's time to celebrate!  The Real Estate UnSalesperson podcast is two years old!I can’t believe that I have been podcasting for that long.In the podcasting world, this is a big accomplishment. The average podcast only lasts 8 episodes. The Real Estate UnSalesperson podcast is currently ranked in the top 10% of all podcasts.When I was learning how to podcast, the instructor said to write down titles for 20 episodes. I really struggled with this. I had trouble coming up with 20 topics. After much brainstorming, I finally did – and guess what? I only recorded episodes on about 3 of those topics. The show has evolved several times as I’ve done it and somehow I have managed to come up with about 150 topics so far!I don’t want this post to be self-indulgent, however. I’d like to share some lessons that I’ve learned from podcasting that you can apply to your career and life. Here they are.Lessons Learned From Podcasting That You Can ApplyChallenge yourself. Don’t be complacent in your career. Try something that scares you. That’s how you grow – and you may find out that it is the best thing that you have done.Try Something Different. The definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expecting different results. If you want to grow your business, you’ve got to add to your marketing mix. If you fail, so what? You’ll still gain valuable insights into what works for you or how to tweak your marketing.Value Your Connections. The best and most valuable part of your business is the connections that you make. Your business is your database. Without it, you have nothing. Keep in touch with everyone that you meet and offer them value. They will return the favor many times over with repeat and referral business.Be Flexible. Things seldom go as you plan. Don’t get flustered. Roll with it. Things often turn out much better than you ever expected!Enjoy the journey. Your career and life are a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride every day. These are the good old days – not some point in the distant future. Don’t postpone enjoyment. Today is the present and your present!Time To Celebrate!Celebrate your life and career every day. Be thankful for all of your blessings. Here’s to you!Get The UnSalesyGram NewsletterWant ideas on ways to succeed in real estate in an unsalesy manner? Get that along with a dose of inspiration and motivation in my free UnSalesyGram Newsletter. Sign up for it here!Support the showGet the UnSalesyGram Newsletter!Would you like to get some great ideas on how to successfully sell real estate in an unsalesy manner along with some inspiration and motivation? Sign up for my free UnSalesyGram Newsletter here!Visit TheRealEstateUnsalesperson.com for more great content!Love the show? Support it at patreon.com/unsalesperson

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