Be The Easy Button

The Real Estate UnSalesperson - Ein Podcast von Barry Karch


#123 - I can never forget a carpet salesperson who came into our real estate office years ago. He had a badge clipped to his shirt that said “Lose Weight While You Sleep. Ask Me How.” That’s so typical. Aren’t we always looking for the easy button? No need to watch what you eat, no need to exercise. No need to do anything. Just sleep and magically lose weight.The easy button didn’t appear to be working, though. The salesperson was quite heavy. I guess he wasn’t sleeping enough.The Real Estate Easy ButtonI have often wished there was an easy button for real estate. Wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t have to deal with difficult clients, stressful situations, constant problems? Why can’t someone just deposit money into my bank account while I am sleeping?It doesn’t seem to happen that way. There is no easy button in real estate – or is there?Be The Easy ButtonThere is an easy button in real estate. We are the button. We need to make things easy for our clients then everything will be easy for us.Zig Ziglar said that you can have everything you want in life if you just help other people get what they want.We need to be the easy button for our clients. We need to make their transaction easy. Anticipate their needs, answer their questions before they ask them, go the extra mile.If we do so, then our life will become easy. We’ll get repeat and referral business. We won’t have to work so hard to find new clients – and we’ll enjoy the clients that we are working with.You’ll constantly receive contacts from people who want to do business with you. That’s almost like having money deposited into your account while you are sleeping!Yes, there is an easy button in real estate. You are the button.Join The UnSalesperson Community!Would you like to connect with fellow unsalesy Realtors and introverts in real estate and learn how they are doing it, share ideas on creating a great business in an unsalesy manner, get inspiration and motivation?I have created the UnSalesperson Community! Unlike the mass market advice, here’s your unique opportunity to learn from like minded people. Bounce ideas off of them and me. Some of the guests who have been on my podcast are in this community.Click here for more info.Support the showGet the UnSalesyGram Newsletter!Would you like to get some great ideas on how to successfully sell real estate in an unsalesy manner along with some inspiration and motivation? Sign up for my free UnSalesyGram Newsletter here!Visit for more great content!Love the show? Support it at

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