Mon 1Apr24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED

The REAL David Knight Show - Ein Podcast von David Knight

(2:00) Biden's transgender worshipDo we expect the world to worship Christ when we Christians are ashamed of the gospel?Are Biden, Hillary, Trump to be pitied for their obsession with fleeting power and their rejection of God?Can any politician separate from the love of Christ?Tranny tyranny is a harbinger of coming persecutionHave churches who profess faith mocked and rejected Christ more than unbelieving politicians?(13:25) Batman Crucified? Church Desperation to be "Seeker Friendly" Makes a Mockery of Jesus It's not just Biden, many churches mock Christ on Resurrection Sunday (19:59) LGBT has been honored by even the most conservative denominations like SBC or institutions like Campus Crusade for Christ (now calling itself "Cru", ashamed of "Crusade") (23:11) Washington Post's clueless article about Christian "obsession with blood" and tying it to their clueless obsession with Trump's comment about "bloodbath" (28:27) Charlie Kirk think seminaries are the problem with Christianity (ALL of them he says without exception) but he has spoken on tour with false prophets and Flynn who led people in plagiarized prayers to "ascended masters" (32:05) Should we stay out of politics?  WATCH Matt Trewhella "Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate" speak to the Wisconsin legislature about the "murder" of babies and the pushback by a Dem committee member  (53:17) Biden Lays an Easter Egg — the political reasons the left panders to a tiny minority is NOT for votes (1:00:30) You won't believe HOW MANY DAYS have been declared already TO HONOR LGBT variations…here's the list (1:05:50) The true reason why they pander… (1:08:05) Both Biden and Trump are stereotypes of attacks on Christian…but they are TWO DIFFERENT TYPES of attack.  Here's what they each represent (1:11:13) Documents leaked from WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) show the global governance agenda is using transgenderism to as a focused attack on… (1:28:47) WATCH — Which is a better parody of Trump: SNL comedy routine of him selling his Bible, or his actual interview where he fielded questions about what he thought of the Bible? (1:31:58) Trump & his media roll their followers on the "White House Easter Egg Roll" ban of religious symbols — this is what they hope you don't know about Trump and the egg roll… (1:38:16) Did Trump pray with the son of a slain NYPD officer? Did Jesus come to fight the police state?  (1:46:13) Police State ratchets up a few more notchesFBI now goes door-to-door to question people about social media posts and you won't believe what they took exception toYouTube is reporting to the government who watches certain videos of interestRed Flag center to "take the guns, do the due process later"California city steals over a million dollars of legal cannabis from a store and refuses to return for 6 monthsFamily sues Apple after being dangerously SWATTED based on "Find My location"After 1,000 National Guard and State Police don't stop shooting in NY subway, gun scanners are next(2:25:20) A personal note about my AFib and advice from listeners, and other comments (2:30:00) RFK jr, the Libertarian Party, ballot access (2:34:16) Baltimore Bridge updateWas it dirty fuel?How much and how long to fix compared to original construction(2:45:02) SWIFT, Sanctions, and the Swiftly Approaching Global CBDC WATCH insider at World Government conference say the quiet part about what's coming with CBDC.  Did SWIFT and sanctions indicate the timing of their move?...

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