Mon 15Apr24 David Knight Show UNABRIDGED

The REAL David Knight Show - Ein Podcast von David Knight

(2:00) War between Israel & Iran now direct instead of by proxyHow did this start?  What happened Saturday?No casualties but a big loss in asymmetric warfareWill Israel take the win? Is Iran satisfied with face-saving effort?What was USA involvement?  Will it continue to escalate?(20:29) Ukraine — Drone Wars result in a World War 1, trench-like stalemateExpensive tanks and soldiers are no match for improvised, homemade dronesA chilling harbinger of future war — drone swarms, killer robots, AIZelensky & Lindsey demand more Ukrainian lives as conscription ramps up. NATO goal: "fight Russia to the last Ukrainian"(49:30) Losing the spiritual war"Christian men's conference" begins with male stripper pole dancing. One pastor calls out the organizing pastor in public, organizer is unrepentant and says the other pastor should have corrected him in private.  Who's right?"Baby Olivia", a minute video showing development of a baby, is freaking out the abortion-Left.  This is their desperate retort…From abortion to euthanasia — the inevitable slide has already begunBill Maher: "Abortion 'kind of IS' murder…'I'm just OK with that' "(1:16:45) Mask-Wearing AZ Legislators Honors Satanists on the Floor of the Legislature Bill to block Satanic attacks on free exercise of religion FAILS.  Here's what they fail to address about the motives and beliefs of the grifting Satanists (1:26:24) MAGA "Documentary" Says Lockdown Wasn't Fauci (or Trump) The suspense is killing me…who dunnit? (1:29:26) Politics — Dumb, Dumber, and SenileMichael Douglas (79) says playing Benjamin Franklin at 70 makes him feel good about Biden at 81Will Trump trial be another OJ media spectacle? How NYC turned hush money for a hooker into feloniesAnother Trump "Christian" meme — "Endorsed by Jesus Christ"Trump knows he ran the pandemic with fiat cash, even if his supporters remain clueless: "Not a penny for any school that has a vaccine mandate".  That's right, the money is how the orders operateGov Sununu opposed Trump as "insurrectionist", but now partisan politics trumps even a convictionTrump copies Lindsey Graham Ukrainian aid beard: call it a "loan"Trump turns Robert E Lee into the Lucky Charms leprechaun in trying to connect with crowd on Gettysburg(1:47:28) EPA MUST BE DESTROYED — Now WEF Tool to Stop Meat/Dairy Now we know how the WEF agenda we've seen shutting down Dutch farms will come to America — via EPA "rules". Regulation Without Representation.  Taxation Without Representation.  Starvation Without Representation.  The solution to stop this is NOT in Washington, but local (2:12:15) The push for autonomous trucking (18 wheeler) can, and must be, stopped locally.  Biden raises fees on oil by 15-FOLD!  Germany wants to ban driving on weekends. (2:19:40) One man's lawsuit over being denied entry into a cafe because he didn't have a vaccine passport is exposing the fraud of both Finnish "public health" and the WHO (2:27:20) Who Ran the Plan-demic? Trump? Fauci? Birx? Here's the latest theory from MAGA.  Try not to laugh (2:36:04) Summer of 2020 — The Pandemic Swimming Pool and An Epidemic of Stupidity Pastor give 5 reasons why Trump is hated — personally.  I add 2 more based on policies, and these are why he should be imprisoned for the lockdown/jabs (2:53:08) Gold — if Central Banks keep buying, is it the top? The slow and steady tortoise is running like a rabbit Here's where the big banks believe it's goingFind out more about the show and where you can watch it at

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