025 | Why guilt is so important and how to help our children feel it.

In this episode I dive into why guilt is so important for children to feel. I talk about what it looks like for them to defend against it and 3 ways that we can help them really stay in the moment to allow the natural consequence to play out. Last week's episode on vulnerability is here: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/5-reasons-children-need-to-feel-their-vulnerability/id1607415212?i=1000612761789 Instagram: @raisinghumanskind

Om Podcasten

The Raising Humans Kind Podcast is where Ashleigh, a Family Psychologist, shares what really matters when it comes to parenting young children. The more information we have about parenting, it seems the more we've lost our way. This podcast will guide you along your journey so that you can be confident you're focusing on what really counts.