Endarkenment: The Wisdom of Darkness & The Power of “Discomfort Resiliency” with Deborah Eden Tull - 67
"Dear Humanity," a Lovecast with Laura Dawn - Ein Podcast von Laura Dawn, M.Sc

ENROLLMENT OPEN FOR TRANSILIENCE: STARTING SEPTEMBER 13th. Join me for TRANSILIENCE: a 6-month training program for psychedelic coaches, integration guides and microdosing mentors who want to learn how to support others on the path of psychedelic transformation.The Wisdom of DarknessWe live in a culture that holds the “Light” as superior to the Dark. In spiritual and medicine communities there’s a strong underlying narrative to move towards “enlightenment” but what is the impact it’s having on our health and wellbeing? Does the darkness hold the key to help us collectively move back into balance within ourselves? In this episode, Debohrah Eden Tull , the author of Luminous Darkness An Engaged Buddhist Approach to Embracing the Unknown, joins Laura Dawn to explore the medicine inherent in darkness and just how crucial this medicine is for us at a time of accelerating change and transition. Eden is a Zen meditation/mindfulness teacher, spiritual activist and sustainability educator. She has been practicing meditation for the past 30 years and teaching for over 20 years. She spent seven years as a monastic at a silent Zen Monastery, and has been immersed in sustainable communities for 25 years. In this episode we explore:The concept of EndarkenmentThe 5 pillars of EndarkenmentLife as a teacher of loveCultivating resilience through restorationThe darkness as a source of creativityThe Shadow & Spiritual bypassingOur incessant need to fill space with stories and narrativesThe inner compass of interoceptive awareness The medicine of grief The potency of angerTransmuting sacred rageThe necessity for compassionOur connection to this earth and how Nature models and illuminates the wisdom of darkness. And so much more. Click here to learn more about Deborah Eden Tull, access the full transcript and resources mentioned in this episode. Connect with Laura Dawn on Instagram