How to Choose Perfect Photos for Your Website (& What to Never, Ever Use)

The Profitable Website: Digital Marketing Secrets For Small Business Success - Ein Podcast von Wes McDowell


When I consult with small business owners who try to DIY their own website, guess where I see the biggest missteps? Spoiler alert — It's the images! This is a huge issue because the wrong images can make your site look homemade and amateurish... which makes prospects trust you a whole lot less as a business. But there's good news: it’s easy to fix! In this episode, I’ll give you my best advice where to find the best website images for free or cheap, what to look for, and what to NEVER use. In the end your website will connect better with your potential customers, and the images you get will help you clarify what you do so they pay attention, and GET what you're trying to say. You’ll see people sticking around longer, making them more likely to become paying customers. Not to mention you’ll just have a much better looking website. It's what I call a win-win, baby!

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