A therapy session on SaaS sales culture to an introvert

How can you overcome the fear of exposure that comes along with sales? What's the best way to approach Linkedin BD? What's the difference between SMB and Enterprise sales practically? In this interview, that evolved into almost a therapy session, Kyle Racki is sharing his path from running an agency to becoming a SaaS founder. He is explaining in a simple and approachable manner how can we obtain a sales culture, no matter our background and apply it without fearing the exposure. Key takeaways: - How to do lead prospecting and start discussions confidently - Why offering value is the best sales technique and how to implement it effectively - How to find your way through different decision-makers within an enterprise The interviewee: Kyle is CEO of Proposify, a SaaS company based out of Canada that helps more than 8,000 sales teams eliminate the frustration caused by the proposal-process. . The interviewer: Aggelos Mouzakitis is the founder of Growth Sandwich. He created Growth Sandwich, back in 2017 with a sole vision: to help promising early-stage teams get their products to market in a solid manner. He has worked or trained more than 500 marketers and founders on how to get to the market with the right mix of tactics and a product that drives engagement and happiness. About Growth Sandwich: Growth Sandwich is the first European Product-led Go-to-Market Strategy agency. We specialise in helping SaaS products and businesses that operate in the subscription economy. Our approach is 100% customer-centric and we help post-Product/Market fit companies establish a repeatable selling motion and recurring revenues.

Om Podcasten

Launching, organising and going to market with your new product has become really difficult. In this podcast, we are featuring the top product-led experts in the world to share the best product-led practices with the world. You will get hands-on advice and learn tactics that top experts and products are using to grow in the Product-led era. The podcast is powered by Growth Sandwich (www.growthsandwich.com).