RHS Show Gardens and why you shouldn't try copy them

Garden Shows are full of Show Gardens but should these really be called gardens? Are they gardens and if not why not. The trouble though is the RHS, Experts and the Media, extol the virtues of these displays as 'gardens' ; which dupes the non-gardening public into believing these can and should be copied.In this episode Rachel discusses why non-expert garden owners get duped into possibly wasting money by the very people who are supposed to be helping them. And it's all because it's called a garden....Read more at PlantPlots.comSupport the showSupport the Show - Thank youPlantPlots.com Watch our videosfacebook.com/plantplotsPinterest/PlantPlots

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AUTUMN 2023 SERIES STARTS SEPT 22nd . Each podcast covers an aspect of gardening or design or is about something we think you'd like to know. All the podcast topics can also be found at PlantPlots.com. PLUS - Watch our videos on YouTube: Read this amazing book "I Want to Like my Garden" by Rachel McCartain available on Amazon books. We'd also love you to tell us what you think too - just email [email protected]. You can also make a donation to help us make more and better podcasts too - our thanks if you have. Thanks for listening. PlantPlots.com