Garden Trends for 2022 - what should you be doing in your garden?

Firstly, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has downloaded and listened to this series of The Plotting Shed.  This is the last show in this series - we will be back in the Spring of 2022 with a new exciting series.So what will happen in the world of gardening in 2022, where is gardening going and what should you be focussing on for next year.PLUSa few little snippets of information and facts you might not have ever known about plants!The 5 best plants for freshening your air are: Epipreminum Aureum (Pothos); Spathiphyllum Wallisii (Peace Lily) Dypsis Lutescens (Areca Palm); Sanseveria Trifasciata ( Mother in Laws Tonngue) and Ficus Bougainina (Weeping Fig).Peter Wohhlebein - The Hidden Life of Trees and finally the worlds longest plant name.... Ornithogalum Adseptentrionesvergetulum !! :) Please do get in touch and let me know what you would like us to focus on for the next Plotting Shed Series in March next year.  Email [email protected] the showSupport the Show - Thank Watch our

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AUTUMN 2023 SERIES STARTS SEPT 22nd . Each podcast covers an aspect of gardening or design or is about something we think you'd like to know. All the podcast topics can also be found at PLUS - Watch our videos on YouTube: Read this amazing book "I Want to Like my Garden" by Rachel McCartain available on Amazon books. We'd also love you to tell us what you think too - just email [email protected]. You can also make a donation to help us make more and better podcasts too - our thanks if you have. Thanks for listening.