The 12 Lessons of Life | Road to Revenue #95

The Playbook With David Meltzer - Ein Podcast von David Meltzer,


Studying human nature is an essential part of life, as human nature is something that never changes. One of my favorite pieces of literature that discusses this comes from ancient Sanskrit, and it lays out the twelve rules that apply to all of our lives, no matter who you are and where you live. Understanding these rules will help you to identify resistance in your life and then push past it. Sanskrit’s 12 Lessons of Life 1. You will receive a body – Part of being human is being born into a human body. 2. You will learn lessons – This is an essential part of life. Without learning, we cannot progress. 3. There are no mistakes, only lessons – Take the perspective that there are no mistakes, they’re just lessons that we need to absorb and implement. 4. A lesson will be repeated until it is learned – If we do not learn a lesson initially, the universe will keep teaching us that lesson. 5. Learning lessons does not end – As long as we are alive, lessons will keep coming to us. 6. ‘There’ is no better than ‘here’ – Taking a grateful perspective about where you are in life is essential. 7. Others are merely mirrors of you – We cannot see outside of us what is not inside of us. Often, we are simply projecting our thoughts about ourself onto others. 8. What you make of your life is up to you – Be accountable for the results of your decisions. 9. Life is exactly what you think it is – Your perspective is what shapes your reality. 10. Your answers lie inside of you – You already have everything you need; you just have to learn to access it. 11. You will forget all of this – Nobody is perfect, and we will all forget these lessons at some point in our life. 12. You can remember it whenever you want – While we do forget all of these lessons, we also have the capability to remember them. Tweet me your takeaway from today’s episode @davidmeltzer  Email Me! [email protected] Sign up for my Free Weekly Training Text Me! (949) 298-2905

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