#44: Memory and Desire

Sofia is joined by Fr. Mike Cairnes for a guest episode on living the memory of and desire for Christ. Fr. Mike starts by telling the story of how he fell in love twice, a first time that led him to nihilism and a second that definitively led him to the love of God. Then he and Sofia talk about the struggle against moralism, which is the suffocating reduction of morality into a set of rules. Fr. Mike shares what helps him follow the path of discovering that God’s mercy – and not our fight to live up to an ideal – is the center of life. // Our media recommendations are Terrence Malick’s film The Tree of Life, Joseph Roth’s novella “The Legend of the Holy Drinker”, and Walker Percy’s novel “Lost in the Cosmos: The Last Self-Help Book”. And our monthly challenge is to think back through your life year by year and try to identify how God has romanced you. // We’d love to hear from you! Write to us at [email protected] or find us on Instagram at @pilgrimsoulpodcast. Our website is www.pilgrimsoulpodcast.com. // Other resources we mention: - Luigi Giussani’s book “Morality: Memory and Desire” - The autobiography of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, “Story of a Soul” - Shia LaBeouf’s conversation with Bishop Barron: www.tinyurl.com/ynpf5fb7 - Bruce Marshall’s novel “The World, the Flesh, and Father Smith” - Bishop Erik Varden’s talk at the 2023 New York Encounter: www.tinyurl.com/yc2jp9ac - Fr. Mike’s homilies in podcast form at Church Talk: www.tinyurl.com/4u93p9wa // Our theme music is Nich Lampson’s “Dolphin Kicks.” We are part of the Spoke Street media network: check it out at www.spokestreet.com.

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The Pilgrim Soul is a Catholic podcast about the journey of faith in the modern world. Join us each month for conversations about the presence of God in the Church, the culture, and daily experience. www.pilgrimsoulpodcast.com